Didn't we hear this when Hilary lost? Regardless of sex, who was Harris? As a male Democrat her campaign felt like a complete hustle for an unqualified leader, it had nothing to do being a female. As many people remarked, show me what you've done.

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Isn't that exactly what Obama and Hillary and Biden ran on too? Nothing but boxes: first woman, first melanin gifted, most experienced "stable" politician, etc ad nauseum?

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As an independent, I am surprised, how the Democrats go off at a tangent, why they lost the election. From my, very modest POV, it happened because their leaders became so bureaucratic that, hiding behind the morally high but demagogic slogans of their propaganda, they completely forgot they have to serve the people-demos- of they country.

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You make a lot of good points here, but I have to take exception to " let’s not pretend that the Trump Republicans are running on trying to institute The Handmaid’s Tale." In a number of states they're trying to make contraception (morning after pill, IUDs) illegal. They are forcing doctors to withhold medical care from pregnant people, and threatening to charge them with a crime when they miscarry. Even a Supreme chillingly drew parallels between Roe and Griswold, which legalized contraception for married couples. Who'd think that we might roll THAT back? And from there, what else?

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Both H. Clinton and K Harris were electable based on their legal backgrounds. We have been in a region of motivated reasoning bias by politicians since W Bush let us say. Best expressed though during B Obama when our congress began to pass 33.bills a session as compared with 260 to 330 plus in a normal adversarial congress. The world is run on deadlines, ours currently has 20 years before the collatoral consequences from having evrrything we ask for kill billions from the collapse of the old green nitrogen derived from petroleum revolution . In the pause before that, we wished these two Ladies would maintain the shape of the back and forth between public and private Equity ownership of every picnic table in the land we stop to rest our head upon. Make no mistake, Republicans defy the weather to change. Deny that we even have the ability to reserve nonhuman spaces, see Robert Scruton about that, without which strict reservation schemes we are 500 yrars stupider than our science is in behavior. Neither would have even sought the ERA, bith would have funded and defended the EPA in court, where action, movement happens at this time in this cuntry

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Roger Scruton. He is interesting because he reasoned outloud on Ytube until he died 2020 about the stablehouseholds he premised made for unanxious humans, and abt how Hobbes and Locke were the authors of our post revolutionary systems. Do you see how submitting legislation to juridical decision could have been our saving grace? Hobbes we can argue in court, the world's Morgans and Musks are genetic lottery winners, we have no mechanisms to argue with success under our constttn?

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I agree with you Sam. Both genders are more complex than the simplistic, binary option that is offered to us in politics. I consider myself a feminist. I am a single mother and a self-reliant woman who busts her ass providing for her daughters with no help from a man. Also, my daughters mean everything to me, and I prefer to be called a mother to a “birthing person”. I was glad to learn from Richard Reeves about the struggles of men. It was an eye opening, and compassionate interview. I shared it with practically all my feminist friends who have sons. I think if we approach the other genders needs and challenges with compassion and curiosity, the world would be a better place. I’m not sure that politicians are the best role models for that…

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