Sam, This story is one where I truly see the underlying conflict and the issues about commitment made specific with Simona. Love the phrase "Simona embroidered the air."
I say all this, having read the story and listened to you read it— and realizing that you never read me. So wish I were worth your limited time. xx Mary
Sam, This story is one where I truly see the underlying conflict and the issues about commitment made specific with Simona. Love the phrase "Simona embroidered the air."
I say all this, having read the story and listened to you read it— and realizing that you never read me. So wish I were worth your limited time. xx Mary
Sam, This story is one where I truly see the underlying conflict and the issues about commitment made specific with Simona. Love the phrase "Simona embroidered the air."
I say all this, having read the story and listened to you read it— and realizing that you never read me. So wish I were worth your limited time. xx Mary
Mary, I do read you! Looking forward to reading the entire book - as I mentioned, I somehow find serialization to be difficult.
Thank you for purchasing the book, Sam.