Thank you Mary! I guess my feeling is that truth is always raw. And then there's a moment when something that was raw becomes mannered and performative - it's the feeling we all get when we tell the same story or joke too many times and feel to ourselves that we have become a ham. It's a very strange fautlline - and my conviction is that it's at the heart of aesthetics. - Sam
Thank you Mary! I guess my feeling is that truth is always raw. And then there's a moment when something that was raw becomes mannered and performative - it's the feeling we all get when we tell the same story or joke too many times and feel to ourselves that we have become a ham. It's a very strange fautlline - and my conviction is that it's at the heart of aesthetics. - Sam
Thank you Mary! I guess my feeling is that truth is always raw. And then there's a moment when something that was raw becomes mannered and performative - it's the feeling we all get when we tell the same story or joke too many times and feel to ourselves that we have become a ham. It's a very strange fautlline - and my conviction is that it's at the heart of aesthetics. - Sam