Dora, the point being made here - @Castalia let me know if I'm speaking out of turn - is that a "middlebrow novel" like There There is representative of a whole style of literature, which incidentally is getting disproportionate attention and praise. We have become completely overrun by 'woke lit' and it's useful to try to analyze its components.
Dora, the point being made here - @Castalia let me know if I'm speaking out of turn - is that a "middlebrow novel" like There There is representative of a whole style of literature, which incidentally is getting disproportionate attention and praise. We have become completely overrun by 'woke lit' and it's useful to try to analyze its components.
Dora, the point being made here - @Castalia let me know if I'm speaking out of turn - is that a "middlebrow novel" like There There is representative of a whole style of literature, which incidentally is getting disproportionate attention and praise. We have become completely overrun by 'woke lit' and it's useful to try to analyze its components.