It seems like the novel is a nostalgic and uncritical reminiscing of the first Obama campaign, which is a very jarring thing to do in 2024 when the most consequential thing Obama does on a yearly basis is release his best-of lists. This novel was made for 2015.

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Thanks for the direct, honest reviews. Both were books on my radar for quite some time; I'm glad now I rejected them.

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Thanks Andres!

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You are on record here saying you want the personalities of those CIA chameleons to show their teeth, is one expression, in one to one conversations, if I am hearing you. William Vollman has a 1500 page war and peace he believes might receive French arts funding to publish in the next 300 days. He talks about t in an interview over hours with the Trueanon blog. If I heard him right, he believes he upsets the Kim placeholder of the white man burdened type of actorly role. But we really need to see a piece excerpted from this tome to be sure, but! Vollman works in Sacramento in a studio by the railroad tracks, so for instance an issue like the chaos engendered by crack, he can be counted on to include the chaos, and describe if it was only an effective slander against a community, or a real incendiary that people could not ignore. For instance, was noone able to classify the drug with another dead end experience? In 1986? I am curious myself, it is easier for us now to point a youngster to breaking bad or to Spike Lee, but maybe the Central intelligencers were onto a blooming rose of good reputation at that time?

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