Love the illustration, but I think The Cid was ON a horse though, rather than a house. I think that was the Trojan’s, and they were in a house that was like a horse. Which is a bit like the extreme politics of either side, and how between them they tried to destroy Troy.
Love the illustration, but I think The Cid was ON a horse though, rather than a house. I think that was the Trojan’s, and they were in a house that was like a horse. Which is a bit like the extreme politics of either side, and how between them they tried to destroy Troy.
Ah yes, thank you! Reminds me that I need to fire the proof-reading department. Although, come to think, maybe it's even more impressive and intimidating if his corpse rode into battle strapped to a house?
Great piece.
Love the illustration, but I think The Cid was ON a horse though, rather than a house. I think that was the Trojan’s, and they were in a house that was like a horse. Which is a bit like the extreme politics of either side, and how between them they tried to destroy Troy.
Ah yes, thank you! Reminds me that I need to fire the proof-reading department. Although, come to think, maybe it's even more impressive and intimidating if his corpse rode into battle strapped to a house?
Please don’t fire them, I’d hate to be responsible for anyone’s economic woes. Maybe just strap them to horse for a few hours, facing the wrong way…
With these camoles, they'll just mishear and strap themselves to the nearest house. They're all fired!