Politics is so collapsed right now into right-left, it's a joke. I don't think I agree with everything here but appreciate you trying to get out of it!

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Sam, apologies for writing in late this week. Been swamped with my own work. Here's the problem with what you're saying as I see it. You seem to be trying to figure out a politics that's purely individual - based on perspective, intuition, and so on. But politics, by definition, is a group activity and works through a process of consensus. That's all politics is! You pick a group and you fight with it. Action and only action!

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Take the individuals out of it, really. That’s what’s polarizing. That “unmoored” feeling, once you get your footing, is liberating. We were always there but few realized it so redundant and reductive our the institutions that birthed our critical facilities. So this transparency/disclosure/surveillance “twitterature” culture is just the lights coming up at the club at 3am and then seeing what a mess your fun has made of things. Now to clean up? It’s a constant need for maintenance that trips us up. Now that there are no hero’s, We need existential coping skills along more then an “ad hoc” political philosophy made up pastiche-style of the best of what images/ideas we can find. Artists shall make art and tell us what we are doing with our radical freedom and many necessities.

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