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Wonderful, thoughtful take, especially--and speaking as a ‘Succession’-head--on the dynamic of power in that remarkable, and remarkably bleak, series. I just wish to highlight this paragraph below, which speaks to the institutional capture and decay and -- as TalkingPointsMemo put it recently--the ‘moral rot’ at the heart of today’s Republican Party, which more correctly should be called the Trumpublican Party. This paragraph evokes the hazardous historical moment America now is facing:

“Societies get into dangerous places when they venerate force; when they fall for the charisma of raw power. It can work for a generation or so, with the sort of leader who combines authority with a degree of benevolence (e.g. Robert Baratheon), but sooner or later it fractionalizes and, in the scramble for power, it’s the sociopaths who have all the advantages.”

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