The entertainment industry in America has been heavily damaged by the allowance of acquisitions that should not be legally possible. Anti-trust legislation properly enforced would do much to break the current hold private equity interests have on these companies.

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The 12-step approach to treating addiction is abstinence. It has fallen out of favor in professional circles, in favor of harm reduction. I, personally, am inclined to believe that abstinence is most effective. But with smartphones, abstinence seems impossible to me. I have zero success so far with a harm reduction approach to my phone.

I’m really curious how this will play out. I’m sorry this is only addressing a tiny aspect of your thoughtful post. As for the decline in long-form reading, it breaks my heart. But that may just be nostalgia on my part.

The algorithm as nicotine is a great metaphor. I hope we get some traction with regulation in that avenue.

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Thanks for opening up this discussion. However, I disagree with the entirely instrumentalist view of our modern democracies philosophical history into good guys (constitutionalists) and bad guys (monarchists). I perceive this human conflict as an expression of an underlying dynamo that drives, justifies and reinforces a shared superstitious belief in material Progress.

A superstition that has been embodied in the past by abuses of power by Judeao Christian religious priests and royalty but is currently deployed by celebrities and profiteers. Until we imagine ourselves out of this self imposed mindtrap we will just keep reinventing this Boethian torture wheel of social misfortune. The most mentally damaging impact of social media upon our youth is its replication of an ugly unimaginative inner cultural landscape that acts to shut down or punish emotional intelligence.

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