Why do we become angry at Don Delillo when his project is simple enough: in minimal word count to create the tragic crossroads in Oedipus Rex in modern eating holes? Seems as if in addition to serving up the believably deracinated modern, and doggedly because as you say he finds his own voice there, i mean 60s industrial modern, but that he also asks for our choruses of participation. He always delivers the tragic collapse, but by which time we are confused maybe by being written into the story as a chorus of pop songs and sarcasms . Maybe alot of us are under too much duress...as those of us who oppose medicalization of everything say we might be anxious, we think those feelings might be just a feeling. Our inner child was ourselves with toys when we were children, i guess some of us have success at feeling similarly fascinated, and others of us maybe like I am inured to disappointment.
Why do we become angry at Don Delillo when his project is simple enough: in minimal word count to create the tragic crossroads in Oedipus Rex in modern eating holes? Seems as if in addition to serving up the believably deracinated modern, and doggedly because as you say he finds his own voice there, i mean 60s industrial modern, but that he also asks for our choruses of participation. He always delivers the tragic collapse, but by which time we are confused maybe by being written into the story as a chorus of pop songs and sarcasms . Maybe alot of us are under too much duress...as those of us who oppose medicalization of everything say we might be anxious, we think those feelings might be just a feeling. Our inner child was ourselves with toys when we were children, i guess some of us have success at feeling similarly fascinated, and others of us maybe like I am inured to disappointment.