It must becoming somewhat clear to even the most flaccid observer that what Netanyahu is doing at the very least are war crimes under international law. Many experts have long called it a genocide as the Israeli tactics fit the criteria - exactly. Ethnic cleansing, apartheid occupation are all words being used to describe the Israeli occupation of Gaza. These words have real meaning behind them and to blithely discount them is not only disingenuous it belies an underlying agenda or just plain ignorance. One also has to wonder what happens when after the fog of war in Ukraine finally lifts only for the vast majority of Ukrainian’s to realize they were hoodwinked into a war with Russia over some sadly misguided Victoria Nuland run - regime change 3.0 version of perpetual failure. Iraq and Afghanistan being the 1 & 2.0 versions. What will the Ukrainian population do with such knowledge as they face a demographic, political and economic crisis for decades to come. Abandoned by the US just like they did to Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Libya. The common denominator in all this? An amateurish, churlish, reactive US government thinking it still can run a post WW2 hegemony backed by unlimited money printing and the petro dollar. When really what’s truly happening is a dying empire having its final tantrums around the world in a vain attempt at maintaining its status quo all the while trying desperately not to look like the bad guy in any of it. Gladly, outside the bubble most people paying the slightest of attention and not under constant US propaganda see it for what it truly is - a dangerous country acting increasingly impulsively as its projection of power loses any real credence daily. And we haven’t even talked about the two Presidential candidates in a what’s really nothing more than Bukkake theatre at this point.
Hi Medium, Always appreciate chatting with you even if our politics don't exactly align! You may be right in the "dying empire" point. I do wonder how long the US can sustain itself given its levels of debt. I guess what I would wonder is if you see a viable alternative to US hegemony? Xi's China and Putin's Russia strike me as malignant state actors. My sense is that US military might does keep a certain world order in place. But I am open to the argument that the "Pax Americana" is inherently unstable and in process of fracturing.
Sam, Appreciate the effort that the research, reflection and writing that go into each post, not to mention finding the fabulous pictures and illustrations. Thanks for enjoyable and stimulating reads.
If Netanyahu / Israel are going to respond, how about launching "Operation Cross-Ruff," where Israel does not target civilians (which really would be unacceptable) or Iran's nuclear facilities, but instead goes after its Shahed Drone production facilities and transport nodes to get these to Russia? These were launched against Israel. Helps Ukraine. Harms Russia. Seems like a proportionate and useful response.
Hey Sam. My son is also named Sam and he’s a great human so there must be something to the name that carries value beyond my own opinions and my own are not something that the main stream agrees with. From outside the bubble, the US gov is a terrorist state on both economic and militaristic levels. Because they simply are. History is undeniable on this and the Gaza genocide is case in point. Undeniable atrocity meted out on women, children and now mass graves. Also remember rendition and torture have a long legacy in US policy as well. So when you ask what’s the alternative? The actual alternative is US returns to its roots as a nation of actual leadership. It’s pretty simple and yet it appears from here to be almost
Impossible given the current failed state of a country in massive decline, corruption and incompetence. Where did all the adults go? They checked out on their yachts.
It must becoming somewhat clear to even the most flaccid observer that what Netanyahu is doing at the very least are war crimes under international law. Many experts have long called it a genocide as the Israeli tactics fit the criteria - exactly. Ethnic cleansing, apartheid occupation are all words being used to describe the Israeli occupation of Gaza. These words have real meaning behind them and to blithely discount them is not only disingenuous it belies an underlying agenda or just plain ignorance. One also has to wonder what happens when after the fog of war in Ukraine finally lifts only for the vast majority of Ukrainian’s to realize they were hoodwinked into a war with Russia over some sadly misguided Victoria Nuland run - regime change 3.0 version of perpetual failure. Iraq and Afghanistan being the 1 & 2.0 versions. What will the Ukrainian population do with such knowledge as they face a demographic, political and economic crisis for decades to come. Abandoned by the US just like they did to Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Libya. The common denominator in all this? An amateurish, churlish, reactive US government thinking it still can run a post WW2 hegemony backed by unlimited money printing and the petro dollar. When really what’s truly happening is a dying empire having its final tantrums around the world in a vain attempt at maintaining its status quo all the while trying desperately not to look like the bad guy in any of it. Gladly, outside the bubble most people paying the slightest of attention and not under constant US propaganda see it for what it truly is - a dangerous country acting increasingly impulsively as its projection of power loses any real credence daily. And we haven’t even talked about the two Presidential candidates in a what’s really nothing more than Bukkake theatre at this point.
Hi Medium, Always appreciate chatting with you even if our politics don't exactly align! You may be right in the "dying empire" point. I do wonder how long the US can sustain itself given its levels of debt. I guess what I would wonder is if you see a viable alternative to US hegemony? Xi's China and Putin's Russia strike me as malignant state actors. My sense is that US military might does keep a certain world order in place. But I am open to the argument that the "Pax Americana" is inherently unstable and in process of fracturing.
Sam, Appreciate the effort that the research, reflection and writing that go into each post, not to mention finding the fabulous pictures and illustrations. Thanks for enjoyable and stimulating reads.
If Netanyahu / Israel are going to respond, how about launching "Operation Cross-Ruff," where Israel does not target civilians (which really would be unacceptable) or Iran's nuclear facilities, but instead goes after its Shahed Drone production facilities and transport nodes to get these to Russia? These were launched against Israel. Helps Ukraine. Harms Russia. Seems like a proportionate and useful response.
Thank you Larry. Really appreciate your reading and responding. That's very smart. I haven't seen anybody else say that.
Hey Sam. My son is also named Sam and he’s a great human so there must be something to the name that carries value beyond my own opinions and my own are not something that the main stream agrees with. From outside the bubble, the US gov is a terrorist state on both economic and militaristic levels. Because they simply are. History is undeniable on this and the Gaza genocide is case in point. Undeniable atrocity meted out on women, children and now mass graves. Also remember rendition and torture have a long legacy in US policy as well. So when you ask what’s the alternative? The actual alternative is US returns to its roots as a nation of actual leadership. It’s pretty simple and yet it appears from here to be almost
Impossible given the current failed state of a country in massive decline, corruption and incompetence. Where did all the adults go? They checked out on their yachts.