Moments say, that Kronstadt happened. The Yuogo that was the VW bug for 6 months in 1996. Prior to that the 8 or 10 or more years the women really the babushkas of the Union fed their relatives from pirate gardens. Yeltsin going with the flow of conscience outside the besieged congress, like a cruise director on a damned Danube. Images of Russian women in A Day in the Life of the Ussr published 1988. A democratic people by any net of factoids. Image muddied when 4 billion Us D $ were transferred carte blanche to Kremlin accounts. A people more ready for CIA style regime change you could not ask f or. Instead of which...dear Sam Kahn. I think you have not been the subject of a vodka party. The reason for Clamato. The assembled guests are promised a picnic given vegetables celery and cl amato to go with their vodka. And the wife and man the imprimateurs in 30 minutes descend to exploding each other's worst history. It was the last excuse for having a central intelligence th a t is one way of looking at it. We could have helped these fools, but yankeedom got in the way is another way of looking at it. My vote this upcoming US election is going to set it alright. US policy hails from the Eisenhower admin. They are more than good people, they are cold country suffering people, still could be the first extra nationals we take a shine to, give generously without strings. Politics is bunk, man , it is like being offered pictures with your words.

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God bless him. His example may yet be his most powerful contribution. We’re still in the middle of the story.

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“Russian society is amoral.” — What does this quote mean?

Is American society moral? Or Mexican, Israeli, or Palestinian?

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no Nivalny dont rest in peace. Stay and make them sweat. Be what you have always been in life and in death.

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I read that he said: "If I die, you are not allowed to give up". What courage.

Thanks for giving more context and honouring his memory too.

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